Empowering Teens Month Stories

Posted on Sep 19 2024 by Summer Lecas

Empowering Teens Month Stories

The Empowering Teens Month initiative is intended to celebrate the impact of afterschool programs like those at The Bridge. These programs allow teens the opportunity to discover new things, navigate life, and explore who they were created to be. We are so grateful to have seen many students grow firsthand and hear impactful stories that have shaped their young lives.

Marissa, a 10th grade student, started taking part in our Thriftastic Job Readiness program just this summer. When asked about how this program has made a positive impact in her life, she was very excited to share. “The job readiness program has really helped me to put myself out there more. I am more willing to talk in class at school and build relationships with my teachers. It has also helped me to grow in confidence and to plan out goals for my future.”

David, a 10th grade student, spoke of the deep impact that The Bridge community has had on his life after regularly attending Friday night events. “If I am ever having a bad day, I know I can be excited to see my friends the next day at The Bridge. I know that they are always there for me and it’s just nice to know that someone cares. The staff and volunteers at The Bridge are amazing too! I always feel comfortable with the people here because I know that they’ll accept me no matter what.”

A 9th grade student, Natalia, grew up with a passion for art, but put this passion to the side for many years, until she attended an art program at The Bridge. Natalia now takes part in as many art programs as she can and draws almost everyday. “Art is a way to express myself,” shared Natalia. “It is a go-to when I am stressed because I can express my emotions through it.”

We are extremely grateful to provide a safe space for students to find hope, purpose, and direction. It is an honor to walk alongside students and see them become all that they were created to be! To learn more about Empowering Teens Month and how to get involved, click the button below.

* Different names were used for the safety of our students.

If you are a student or parent that has been impacted by The Bridge Teen Center, we would love to hear about it! Share your story with us by emailing [email protected].

Thank you Marquette Bank for sponsoring The Bridge Bulletin this summer.

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