Don’t freak out about school. We know it can be a lot, so we’re here for you! Establish a study plan and learn personalized strategies that will help you do your best in school. How do you like to learn? Sometimes simple tweaks to your environment and the way you approach studying can boost your memory and productivity. And when test time comes, you’ll be able to apply strategies that will help you stay calm and collected so you can recall all you need to know to do your best.
All Educational Support programs are sponsored in part by Inspire Dental Wellness.
Important Attendance Policy:
Out of respect to our volunteers, please be sure you can attend the programs you sign up for. Confirmation calls or text messages are made 48-72 hours prior to every program. If you do not respond to our confirmation call within 24 hours of the program, a student on the waiting list will fill your spot. If a student is a "no show" for 2 or more programs, they will be automatically placed on the waiting list for other programs they have signed up for during that semester. 48 hours notice is required for all cancellations.