Arrange delicate florals to form an elegant Mother’s day gift. Elevate this bouquet of bright flowers by customizing a mason jar vase to preserve them in. Gain tips and tricks such as cutting stems, intricate placements, and how to preserve these dainty beauties. Push yourself to be extra thoughtful by adding an additional handmade card or note. Get inspired by giving and sign up now!

Online sign-up for this program (and all other April & May programs) will begin on Wednesday, March 12th at 7pm. Set a reminder to come back and sign up on/after March 12th!

Important Attendance Policy:

Out of respect to our volunteers, please be sure you can attend the programs you sign up for. Confirmation calls or text messages are made 48-72 hours prior to every program. If you do not respond to our confirmation call within 24 hours of the program, a student on the waiting list will fill your spot. If a student is a "no show" for 2 or more programs, they will be automatically placed on the waiting list for other programs they have signed up for during that semester. 48 hours notice is required for all cancellations.